Home Venture Capital Are Incubators Like Y Combinator Embracing Unicorn Entrepreneurship?

Are Incubators Like Y Combinator Embracing Unicorn Entrepreneurship?


Y-Combinator, a leading Silicon Valley incubator, is said to be adopting lessons from finance-smart billion-dollar entrepreneurs rather than following the traditional VC path. This shift is a welcome change.

Here are 4 lessons for entrepreneurs who want to adopt the strategies of billion-dollar entrepreneurs who delayed VC or avoided it and built unicorns (Nothing Ventured, Everything Gained and Finance Secrets of Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs at www.dileeprao.com).

#1. Learn to takeoff with less to build a unicorn and keep control.

Getting VC doesn’t guarantee a unicorn and not getting VC doesn’t preclude it. 99 out of 100 who get VC do not build a unicorn – even with VC. In fact, 94% of billion-dollar entrepreneurs built their unicorns by avoiding or delaying VC, which allowed them to maintain control of their venture and the wealth created. The key is to understand how these entrepreneurs started, financed, launched, and built their unicorn without VC or with delayed VC – while keeping control.

#2. Raise less in initial stages to keep control.

The VC model often emphasizes raising significant venture capital early, creating dependence on VCs and ceding control to them. Silicon Valley gurus teach entrepreneurs to produce a brilliant idea, pitch it to angels, prove it with a minimum viable product, pitch to VCs and be grateful when they show interest, ultimately ceding control to VCs and the professional CEOs they invariably hire. The model seems to work for only about 20 out of 100,000 ventures– mainly in Silicon Valley. Even in these 20, entrepreneurs are diluted significantly.

In contrast, the Unicorn-Entrepreneur (UE) model emphasizes smart skills and strategies to grow more with less, allowing the entrepreneur to stay in control. Michael Dell built his namesake company with control. He recruited executives to help him build his venture into a corporation. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook (now Meta) did the same when he recruited Sheryl Sandberg to build his company. But he stayed in control.

#3. Raise smart in initial stages to grow with less dilution.

By raising smaller amounts of capital in the early stages, entrepreneurs can stay in control. Early-stage capital is extremely expensive in terms of loss of control and high dilution. As measured in target VC returns, the financial annual cost can reach up to 80% – 100% per year. For example, VCs invested about $7 million in eBay and recouped about $2.4 billion in about 18 months. That is an astronomical annual return. But eBay is an outlier. Only about 1 out of 100,000 ventures becomes a VC-funded unicorn. The others either do not get VC, fail with VC, or get diluted with VC.

#4. Improve your odds with delayed VC or no VC.

Since 94% of billion-dollar entrepreneurs delayed or avoided VC, and only 6% got early VC, the odds of building a growth venture are higher when you delay or avoid VC. If you get VC early and lose control, the odds are that you will be fired, or that your venture will fail since 80% of VC-funded ventures fail, or that you will be replaced by the hired CEO, or that you will be diluted by the CEO and by successive rounds of VC, or that the venture will be sold to a strategic buyer before it reaches its full potential because VCs need a fast exit.

Reasons to keep control.

· Only about 20 VCs are said to be really successful. Can you attract the right VC?

· Only about 15 of their ventures are said to be really successful. Will you be one of them?

· VCs are likely to fire you. Is that what you want?

· VC avoiders kept about 7 times the wealth created by their ventures compared to those who got early-VC (Truth about VC). Are you starting your venture to become wealthy or make others wealthy?

MY TAKE: Now that Y-Combinator has started to move in the right direction, will business schools follow suit, or will they continue teaching the VC-based system?

GrowBiz: Advice on how to grow your businessWhy 100% of venture capital can be explained in one 4-letter word – GrowBiz: Advice on how to grow your business

ForbesThe #1 VC Partnership For You: Controller, Guide, Or Arms-Dealer?
ForbesThe #1 Reason Why Entrepreneurs Should Control VCs
TechCrunchIn 2024, many Y Combinator startups only want tiny seed rounds – but there’s a catch | TechCrunch

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