Home Commodities Technology advisory firm of the year: KWA Analytics

Technology advisory firm of the year: KWA Analytics


In fast-evolving energy markets, ensuring energy trading and risk management (ETRM) systems are keeping pace with new products and enabling new trading opportunities has never been more important. A growing number of market participants have been turning to KWA Analytics, a global cross-asset consultancy and technical services provider, and winner of Energy Risk’s 2024 Technology advisory firm of the year award.

“Our clients have been pushing incumbent ETRM systems to further invest in renewables and certificates. They have also been looking for platforms that enable them to rapidly develop and deploy new solutions when market opportunities present themselves,” says Fred Reimer, managing director, Americas, at the firm.

“We have been guiding clients in the system evaluation process for renewables and certificates, and suggesting what should be core versus custom. We have also been creating solutions that enable clients to rapidly move into new markets,” he adds.

For example, Reimer cites supporting an oil major’s modernisation programme scaling its low carbon, biogas and biofuels business. “The carbon offset business is viewed as one of the top growth areas by the client and the establishment of a fit-for-purpose, scalable platform to support that growth strategy will allow it to execute its plans,” he says.

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